Thursday, July 3, 2014

Standard 6.1


6.1 Candidates integrate instructional technology to facilitate learning in their classrooms, to supplement instructional strategies, to design instructional materials, and to enhance hands-on experiences and problem solving.

1. This means that I really need to be willing to utilize the many technological tools available to me as a teacher. I know that one of the biggest things we seem to be concerned with in regards to what our children are learning these days is whether they are learning how to problem solve, how to creatively problem solve when it comes down to it. Especially at a high school level, when my students are so close to being out there in the real world, they need to be aware that there are numerous ways to solve a problem, or to quote the old phrase "there's more than one way to skin a cat".  With history, I know it can sometimes be a little difficult to come up with ways to apply it to real world problems today. However, there is so much we can learn by comparing and contrasting that it needs to brought home to the students.

2. I will be honest, I'm not sure yet how confident I am in the WebQuest design category. I think that will take a lot of practice, primarily in the developing of ideas for it. I did try to work something out for it and gave it my all so I'm willing to put the work in for it, I just need to do some more research of the WebQuests out there. I think I have demonstrated that I am willing to try and to hopefully learn from my mistakes, however, I honestly don't know if I've been able to demonstrate any real proficiency with it.

3. Is there some way to practice with WebQuests without subscribing and without creating a dozen email accounts for free trials? I think the concept is excellent but I really don't want to pay for a subscription just to practice with it.

4. I need to find if there is a way to do something similar to WebQuest but that is entirely free. Or other types of technology along those lines. I did like Quizlet and plan to look into that more in depth. I really want to get involved in some of these blog groups that share information that I've seen around the web while doing things for this class. I think that will benefit me greatly because I can be an observer for now and then when the time comes, I will have some reasonable experience and people I know that know what they are doing that I can turn to for assistance.

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