Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Standard 6.9


6.9 Candidates model the legal and ethical use of educational resources.

1. As a teacher I must be aware of the legal and ethical uses of what I utilize in my classroom. My students will remember how I behaved and that will help to shape their behavior in the future. I must set a good example, the same way I would with my own children. If children see you do something, they will think it is ok to do the same. I am one of their leaders into the future and I must act like it.

2. I feel that I have tried to make sure that I am utilizing materials that are allowed and not using someone else's work in my submissions, as tempting as it can be at times. I also realize that by doing the work myself, I'm learning how to use the different items. I've started being much more careful with what I post online and what I do online because I don't want that to be something that could come back and hurt me later on. I realize now how much that could be detrimental to my future.

3. How do I insure that my students are indeed following legal and ethical practices? So many of them live in households where it's ok to download music without paying for it, or to purchase a DVD from someone when it hasn't been released to the public yet. How am I to insure that I am getting them to understand how they are hurting themselves and others by these practices?

4. I am trying to make sure that I don't use complete phrases from someone else or even lines from songs without making sure that it's allowed. I do have some help in this. My husband is well versed in what's considered public domain in regards to music and literature so I do plan to use him as a source of information on what I can and cannot use in the future. 

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