Friday, June 6, 2014


Well, here we are, summer semester. Hey everyone. Sorry if it seems as if I'm being anti-social today, but I haven't been feeling very good since last night and I'm trying to avoid getting too close to any of you right now. Let's hope that I'm feeling better by tomorrow! Anyhow, my name is Jessica Davis. It still states Johnson in my school records, but it's actually Davis. (I swear I keep telling myself I'm going to fix it but always forget when I'm here on campus.) I'm 35 years old and I've been married for nearly 3 years. I have two children, a 13 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I consider myself a typical old school nerd, loving sci-fi and fantasy and a certain amount of tech, (although I am not very tech savvy, I think gadgets are awesome). I love to do many things, but my primary hobbies are reading, crochet, sewing, other general crafts, and, when I have the time available, I love being involved with the S.C.A., or Society of Creative Anachronism. I haven't been able to be active since I started back to school because I work weekends now so I can be off during the week for class, but as soon as I graduate, I plan to become active again. For those unfamiliar with SCA, it is a medieval reenactment society. I LOVE IT!! Which brings us to my subject area, history. I, obviously, adore history. For the longest time in grade school, I said I was going to be a history teacher when I grew up because I loved it so much. I lost my path for a while after high school, and when I originally started back to school, I started out as a business major and finally realized that I still wanted to be a history teacher, so here I am!!! My grandfather was a geography professor at a college. My grandmother worked at the same college in upstate New York and truthfully, I would eventually like to teach at that level, however, for the purpose of this class, I am going to say tenth grade history. I want to be able to show students that there is some purpose in learning more than the generally accepted knowledge about their past and others' pasts. Our past is our future and that is what I want my students to understand. The more we learn from our mistakes, the better we will do tomorrow.

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