Friday, June 13, 2014

Standard 6.7

QUiz grades
Student responses
6.7 Candidates use tools such as databases and spreadsheets for sorting, compiling, and analyzing data gathered from a variety of sources.

This particular standard really seems to be telling me that if I can utilize the technological tools out there for teachers, then I'll be able to streamline my job and focus more on the actual teaching and spend so much of my time with the busy work aspect of teaching. There's so much involved with determining how you are effective as a teacher that often I think it's easy to lose sight of the real reason any of use get into this field - to impart knowledge and mold young minds. If I can become familiar enough with the many tools available to help me do my job seamlessly, then I'll be a better teacher and able to actually focus on my students, not my paperwork.

I think I feel comfortable enough with Google in general to continue to utilize it for grading purposes in the future. With Google I'll be able to keep my information with me anywhere I go. I've never had a problem with looking information up online if I need to find out how to do something and I really like the Google spreadsheet for use as a gradebook. I think it's absolutely brilliant. The quizzes are wonderful as well because wouldn't it be fabulous to be able to send my students a quiz that they can take over a weekend or at home? Then if I had a student out ill or something, they wouldn't have to worry about scheduling a make up test or the like. I would also have the ability to send a quiz to any parents that want to know what we're working on. It would be a fabulous way to share with the parents what their children are learning about.

I feel that my biggest concern in regards to this is if new technology comes out to use instead of Google. I know I tend to stick with what I'm most comfortable with, even if something new might be a better option. I need to learn to come out of my comfort zone where technology is concerned and be willing to try new things. As much as I love what I'm discovering with Google, it is conceivable that there will be new applications that will come out to use. There's also the possibility that what ever school system I'm working for will have their own method of keeping track of data and will insist on me using their method. This worries because I tend to be reluctant to come out of my comfort zone if it involves something I don't know very well at all.

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