Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Standard 6.3

Quiz Results Spreadsheet

PARCC/TCAP assessment

6.3    Candidates apply technology to analyze assessment data and to guide classroom decisions regarding student learning.

1.Teachers and those training to be teachers need to be able to utilize technology in order to help streamline their assessment of their students and the students needs in the classroom. This means that I need to strive that much harder to become familiar with the many different applications of technology out there in order to make myself the best possible teacher I can be. As an 8th grade history teacher, having these many methods available will be extremely useful in my classroom as my students will be of an age where having their homework and possibly class discussions online will be more appealing to them. They'll be able to work on their assignments wherever they are and can keep in touch with myself and their fellow students if they need assistance. With me being able to analyze how many of my students are performing better with different the different platforms available, I can determine the best one to use for my classroom experience.

2. I know I'm not the most tech savvy student in my class and to be truthful, sometimes the sheer volume of different applications out there makes my head swim. I did enjoy creating the infuse learning quiz. I thought it was much more streamlined than the flubaroo quiz. If that is still useful when I graduate, I want to continue to use it. I can easily create short daily quizzes for my class to take or weekly quizzes. It is also easier to analyze the results in my opinion. The Jing application was interesting. Much easier than using the Mac video editor for what we were trying to accomplish. I would like to see if I can use that in my classroom with my students by having them find images that answer questions from class and using Jing to upload them to our virtual classroom.

3. The biggest questions I have are primarily, how will I know that something will serve my purpose best when there are so many choices out there? I know that in part, I will only arrive at a conclusion by some trial and error and using recommendations of those who have gone before me or are more fearless with technology. I think that if I can become familiar enough to not get my students to roll their eyes at me too much (not at all is a bit much to hope for I think) for being behind the times, then between my students and myself, we can create a virtual classroom of sorts where we can exchange ideas and information about history and how is affects us today. I know I can easily get into a rut with things I'm familiar with so I think I will try to ask my students for suggestions and other input, both at the beginning and the end of the year.

4. I would love to have practice items to do in order to practice with the different applications more. Maybe an additional virtual classroom where I have to do a more thorough preparation of some of these things in order to actually drive a class forward. I suppose I can create one myself, but I would like to have someone to evaluate and gauge how I'm doing with the different technologies I'm using. It may be useful to create a small group of other students who want to continue practicing and see if it's possible to develop a system of practices with them. I need to devote some time at least once a week to review some of the new items I'm learning about in order to stay as up to date as possible.

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